Intermediate Shamanism
The next steps in your shamanic journey
(This course may be taken in conjunction with Foundation in Shamanism
Every Thursday, via Zoom (2 hours) – January 16, 2025 – December 11, 2025 (8-10pm Irish/UK time)
This course is for people who have had some shamanic training and want to go deeper.
- People who have attended our Zoom Shamanism Foundation in Shamanism course.
- People who have attended any of our pre-COVID Introduction to Shamanism courses.
- Any shamanic training which teaches you how to drum journey into the spirit realms.
- Students or graduates of the Foundation of Shamanic Studies, Sacred Stream, or other approved shamanic training program.
No matter what your previous background, this course will offer something new.
- If you are following the Green Tara path in Shamanism, this is the second step towards becoming a Shamanic Practitioner, and is an essential prerequisite for our Shamanic Practitioner training.
- If you have had a little training, perhaps a workshop or two, this course will start the process of long-term development in shamanism – leading to a new way of living, and then to becoming a shaman.
- If you can drum-journey into the Lower and Upper worlds and have acquired a power animal (as taught in our Zoom Shamanism course).
- Students and graduates of Michael Harner’s Foundation for Shamanic Studies will find this training highly compatible and that it adds traditional Quechuan techniques from Peru to their skillset.
The course consists of two phases.
Part 1 – Building a shamanic energy body
January – July
The aim of this phase is to start building a powerful energy body which has the power to enable shamanic and psychic work and the strength to protect against any harmful energies you may encounter in this work. You also begin to acquire central skills which you will use throughout your shamanic lifetime, including building a traditional Quechuan medicine bundle (as used by the Q’ero in the mountains of Peru) and receiving 10 initiations. This phase is also where your personal development work begins, combining journey work, sandpainting, and fire ceremony to shed what holds you back and to empower your future path.
Powerful Initiations
This phase in your shamanic training includes in two traditional Q’ero initiations – the Kawak Rites, which give you the power of psychic vision, and the Bands of Power, which build a protective layer into your energy field. You will also receive initiations for each chakra, which will give you special forms of psychic perception, specific healing powers, and provide you with direct, clear, verbal access to powerful and wise spirit guides.
Part 2 – becoming a Pampamesaoq, a shaman for Mother Earth
September – December
The second phase in your shamanic journey leads to the first of the three traditional shamanic initiations from the Q’ero of Peru – the Pampamesaoq initiation (roughly translated as “Earth & Nature Steward”). This is the role of the shaman as a friend of the earth. This initiation will build deep and active connections with those aspects of Mother Earth and Mother Nature to which you are called.
In preparation for the Pampamesaoq initiation, you will study traditional Q’ero wisdom. You will learn the energy exercises of Q’ero masters, including the great Don Benito Quispe, who taught them to Don Juan Nunez del Prado, who taught them to one of the course teachers, Majella Fagan. You will also learn traditional Q’ero despacho techniques, as taught by Don Sebastian Succlle Apaza, to the other teacher on the course, Dr Owen Roberts. You will learn additional traditional techniques taught to us by a variety of traditional P’aqo’s, mainly from the High Q’ero villages around Mt Ausangate. You will learn to heal by directly working on the energy body and also by journeying to the spirit realms.
By the end of this course you will be able to work effectively and safely with clients who have suffered injuries, illnesses and psychological traumas.
Becoming a Pampamesaoq
The Pampamesaoq initiation will build a direct and powerful connection to Mother Earth. The Pampamesaoq is a grade of shaman in the Q’ero shamanic training path from the Andes of Peru. A Pampamesaoq can talk to the spirits of nature, including trees, lakes, mountains, and even Mother Earth herself. More importantly, a Pampamesaoq can hear them reply as clearly as you can hear another person talking to you. No more looking for omens or significant co-incidences – simply have a chat!
The Promise of the Pampamesaoq
This is what it means to be a Pampamesaoq:
- Treat Mother Earth and all her creations as living beings worthy of profound respect and reverence.
- Regard all living creatures, whether plant or animal, fish or bird, or any other living creature, as brothers and sisters.
- Always listen for the voices of Mother Earth and her creations.
- Always consider what we hear from Mother Earth and her creations with integrity.
- If we decide the circumstances demand it, put the needs of Mother Earth and her creations before our own.
- Share the earth will all creatures with honor and integrity.
- January 16 – first class
- Feb 20, 2025 – no class
- April 17, 2025 – no class
- April 24, 2025 – no class
- July 10, 2025 – last class Term 1
- July 17 – September 4, 2025 – holiday
- September 11, 2025 – first class Term 2
- October 30 – no class
- December 11, 2025 – last class
Every Thursday, via Zoom (2 hours) – January 16, 2025 – December 11, 2025 (8-10pm Irish/UK time)
About your teachers
Dr Owen Roberts, PhD
Originally of Welsh origin, Owen studied Core Shamanism in Australia and worked in the Aboriginal community. While in Australia he also studied Tarot, Hermeticism, Kabbalah and Jungian Psychoanalysis. He studied psychic healing at the London College of Psychic Studies. Having studied Tarot for over 35 years, Owen developed and teaches our highly successful Diploma in Professional Tarot Reading. Owen is a graduate and former employee of the USA’s Four Winds Shamanic Institute with certificates in Healing the Light Body, Soul Retrieval and Advanced Shamanism. Owen also has a PhD in Western Philosophy and a BPhil from the Pontifical University. Owen’s work has been to fuse traditional shamanism with the western traditions of Kabbalah, classical mythology and psychoanalysis.
Owen studied traditional Despacho ceremony under the Peruvian P’aqo (or shaman) Don Sebastian Succlle Apaza for 8 years and has received from him the Mosoq Karpay initiation which qualifies him as a P’aqo in the Don Sebastian’s tradition. Owen continues to study under P’aqos from that region.
“I am honored to receive the profound wisdom embedded in the Quechuan understanding of life. It is a privilege to bring this wisdom to our students. The P’aqo Nan, path of the P’aqo, is a profound approach to healing of self, community, and our relationship with nature. My aim is to make this wisdom accessible to all while staying as true to it as possible.”
Student review:
I will take any course you teach! You have a wealth of knowledge and your courses are taught in a clear and thorough manner while fairly priced and packed with valuable resources. I most appreciate your professionalism and approachable teaching style (your honest, no bull shit, practical approach to teaching and your openness to questions and your patience and kindness to all students).” – Sarah
Majella Fagan, BA (Drama), BSc (Psychology)
Majella is the founder of Green Tara College and Holistic Therapy Centre. Majella is a long-established and well-known teacher within the Holistic field. She has worked with energy healing for over 17 years and is trained in various branches of Shamanism (Core training for 3 years), Celtic and Inca traditions (6 years), Four Winds Certified, South American and Native American traditions. Majella has been teaching and facilitating Shamanism and ceremonies for over 11 years and is dedicated to this work.
Personal witness – Majella Fagan:
“I had studied many therapies and been in personal healing for many years. Having taken the core shamanic training twice and working with it for many years I was thirsting for something more in depth and felt I needed to know more. I didn’t feel the working techniques were adequate enough for the growing needs of the work. When I took the six years of shamanic training with initiations from the Q’ero and the training in further shamanic techniques with Alberto Villoldo and The Four Winds, I found what I had been looking for. This is the most phenomenal work I have ever done and it brought to me deep, deep healing where at a crucial time in my life I finally cleared the heaviness of past issues and moved forward into a life of peace and higher destiny, here I learned to ‘dream my world into being.’ I can only say from my heart that I urge you if it feels right or you feel drawn to it to take this training. Alongside teaching Holistic Therapies, my main work is with Reiki and shamanism. I started with traditional Reiki and have found that the combination of the two traditions is a wealth of amazement and have found that the shamanic work brought me into deeper techniques and much more grounding. There is a wealth of joy, freedom and humility in walking this path which helps give us grace to aim to be a better person. In times of crisis it is my spiritual training and practice that has kept me together. Please feel free to give me a call or if you’d like to meet up and chat about it I’d be delighted.”
Caroline Barker, BA, MBA
Caroline is a Canadian-American p’aqo (shaman). A graduate of Green Tara College’s shamanic practitioner training program, she was initiated as a p’aqo by Don Francisco Apaza and Don Ricardo Apaza from the Q’ero village of Kolpa Kuchu.
Formerly a corporate finance executive, Caroline came to shamanism after developing extensive chronic health issues and becoming bedridden. She received her B.A. from Dartmouth and her M.B.A. from Duke, and trained in coaching with the school of International Professional Excellence in Coaching school. Her spiritual training includes studies with Green Tara College in Ireland, including Quechuan and Core Shamanic techniques as well as studies of the Mayan tradition of Don Elijio through the Arvigo Institute. She is also a Master Practitioner of Shamanic Reiki. In her spiritual healing work, she draws from the wisdom and techniques of many teachers from traditions around the world. She is deeply grateful to the communities and people who are her teachers for sharing their wisdom, empowering her healing and allowing her to bring it to you.
Acknowledging Our Teachers
We offer thanks and gratitude to our Quechuan teachers, whose wisdom has made this training possible. We honor the decades of hard work and dedication each of them personally put into their own development, in service of their community and Mother Earth. We acknowledge and support their desire to see their teachings spread into the global community. We offer thanks for their support.