Image by les whalley from pixabay

ITEC Diploma in Reiki

Itec approved collegeITEC Reiki 3 Master Practitioner’s Diploma is a world recognized professional qualification and is the only Reiki qualification to be mapped onto the European Qualifications Framework! This is the highest qualification in the world in Reiki and academically recognized, regulated  & validated !


ITEC Reiki Diploma Dates Finish April 2025 – Click here for dates or see end of pageITEC Reiki Diploma Dates Finish Apr 2025

ITEC Reiki Diploma Dates Finish July 2025 – Click here for dates or see end of page –ITEC Reiki Diploma Dates Finish July2025

Places available – book now to secure your place!- OPEN FOR BOOKING

Qualifications gained from this course:

  • ITEC Diploma in Holistic Reiki includes: Traditional Reiki first, second and third level Reiki practitioner – Level 3 UK (Level 5 Ireland)
  • Reiki Ireland Certificates in Traditional Reiki – Reiki in first, second and third level Reiki practitioner
  • ITEC Diploma in Anatomy & Physiology
  • ITEC Certificate in Professional Business
  • Certificate in Energy Management & Awareness, Green Tara College
  • Certified to gain professional insurance
  • Certified to join professional associations
  • Hold qualifications which allow you to proceed to Reiki Master Teacher Training
  • Hold an internationally recognized Reiki qualification that is recognized the world over.
  •  click on the blue link for dates for course completing December 2024
  • Full course fees including ITEC exam fees is €1995.00.  If you pay in full in advance your receive a €100.00 discount or you may pay on a monthly subscription.


    Payment options:

    Full course fee €1,995 – save €100 if paying upfront in full

    Original price was: €1,995.00.Current price is: €1,895.00.Register

    Full course fee paid by installments (€500 non refundable deposit plus €500 per month for the next 3 months)

    500.00 / month for 4 monthsPay by instalments

    About the  ITEC Diploma in Reiki Training Course

Our ITEC Reiki Diploma is the first course of its kind in Ireland.  Green Tara College is the first College in the world to teach the ITEC Diploma in Reiki.

We are now proudly in our 16th year of offering this unique, popular and highly professional qualification in Reiki.  Majella was one of the original founders of Reiki Federation Ireland and served on the board for five years.

This Reiki Diploma course is intended for those who wish to gain a world wide recognized qualification enabling you to work in the Holistic Health Field and travel anywhere in the world as a fully internationally qualified Holistic Reiki Therapist.

Image by 庆锋 张 from pixabayOur aim is to train you to the very highest level. Upon completion of the training you will be fully capable and confident of entering the world of the Professional Therapist with confidence and expertise, you will have an extremely detailed and broad knowledge of working energetically and with Reiki.

The course is specifically aimed at offering a fully rounded professional holistic practitioner training which is on par with other recognized professional training such as Reflexology, Massage, Aromatherapy, Beauty Therapy. This reiki training is unique as you will gain professional qualifications in Anatomy & Physiology, Business and client care, and 100 hours of specific Reiki Practitioner training from beginners First Level Reiki right through to third level Reiki Practitioners and beyond into unique advanced Reiki healing methods and meditation techniques unique to Reiki Ireland at Green Tara College. Following this highly qualified Reiki qualification you can progress to go on to become a Reiki Master Teacher in the Traditional Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher tradition.  This is not a Reiki ‘hobby’ course but professional training to the highest level.

Reiki Practitioner training covers Reiki and the Holistic Field in depth together with personal development to enable you to work as a completely Professional Reiki Therapist. Business and marketing skills are also included so you can become fully equipped to earn a living within the Holistic Health Field. One of the exciting benefits of studying Reiki in this depth is that if you wish at a later stage to study Aromatherapy, Massage, Reflexology or any other holistic therapy then you will already have achieved the ITEC anatomy and business qualifications and hold an overall professional training of at least 200 hours. The course is structured in training modules and you can successfully graduate with professionally recognized qualifications from ITEC, Green Tara College and Reiki Ireland.

Please be assured that no matter why you are choosing to study Reiki, the teaching we offer is of the highest standard with a firm spiritual basis with emphasis on your own personal development from meditation to understanding ourselves better in order to help others. The course includes in-depth self awareness and reflective practice and insight into working in a healing mode with your clients with Reiki.

Image by monika baechler from pixabayThe government and European Union are currently on the pathway to regulating the training and working of all holistic therapies including reiki. With the ITEC and Reiki Ireland qualification you can be assured that you will have studied and achieved an internationally recognized qualification to the highest standard. Following this you can go on to work as a practitioner, join professional associations, train as a Reiki Master Teacher.  This is a regulated  qualification and as such will bring a qualification that will be recognized by health boards, oncology centers, palliative care and addiction centers.

Majella is more than happy to meet up with you or chat via telephone as it is important that you feel that you are happy to work with her for Reiki and that she is the ‘best’ and right Reiki Teacher that you feel drawn to work with. Reiki is a truly wonderful and beautiful path and your own journey is important to us.

Training as a Reiki Practitioner

Qualifications from ITEC

  • ITEC Diploma in Reiki (Reiki first, second and third level practitioner and advanced Reiki Training)
  • Reiki Ireland Certificates in Traditional Reiki -Reiki first, second and third level practitioner
  • ITEC Diploma in Anatomy & Physiology. (can be taken online or via zoom also)
  • ITEC Certificate in Client Care, Professional Conduct & Business Awareness.
  • Certificate in Energy Management & Awareness, Green Tara College
  • Certified to gain insurance
  • Certified to join professional associations
  • Hold qualifications which allow you to proceed to Reiki Master Teacher Training
  • Hold an internationally recognized qualification that is recognized the world over
  • Work with clients with reiki and in health spas, salons, clinics, hospitals etc.

Training Schedule

Classes take place over weekends in order to be more accessible to students from all over Ireland, Northern Ireland, UK and Europe who wish to take this unique training in-depth Reiki training.

Previous Qualifications

ITEC – if you hold previous qualifications you may be exempt from certain modules (e.g. ITEC Anatomy, Business)

Reiki previous training
Previous Reiki modules taken with Majella can be counted towards the ITEC Diploma as they are taught to include ITEC standard requirements within each module. There are no time limits.

As this is an Academic government accredited award previous Reiki modules from other Reiki courses may be accepted , please contact the office directly for the procedures.  Please note that the ITEC Reiki syllabus is traditional original reiki only and no other modified style. Therefore it may be necessary to take some of the  modules again even if you have taken some variation of reiki elsewhere.  Contact Majella Fagan at the College

Course Content

The course consists of four strands;

1. The practice and theory of Reiki from beginners to advanced practitioners (ITEC theory via zoom, reiki practitioner training in person at the school)

2. Anatomy & Physiology & Pathology – via zoom live classes

3. Energy Management awareness & therapist self care – via zoom live classes

4. Professional business practice in the holistic field- via zoom live classes

The Practice & Theory of Reiki

You  will grow throughout the year in your knowledge and  understanding of Reiki as you progress through the different  Reiki levels. This will be achieved by constantly building on your experience and  practice of Reiki within the learning environment of the College and your practice at home.  This Reiki training is taught with a firm basis in a spiritual perspective throughout and we will practice and build on meditation and energy awareness at each class. A breakdown of the content of the Reiki Diploma is as follows:

The Reiki module contains the following:

  • What is Reiki and how it actually works – this understanding naturally grows with your progression through the various reiki levels
  • Explanation and experience of the different stages/levels of Reiki
  • The benefits of Reiki.
  • The History of Reiki.
  • The Reiki Life Principles.
  • The spiritual concepts and philosophy of Reiki – applied to each stage
  • Explanation of Attunement/initiation process & traditional Reiki attunements into first, second and third level .
  • Meditation/visualization- from beginners to very advanced
  • Understanding of what energy is and how it works in healing and in our everyday lives.
  • Explanation of the energetic systems of the body including the aura, chakra’s.
  • Reiki breathing processes and posture
  • Sharing of experiences of Attunement/initiations, practising Reiki and questions arising.
  • Practice of giving Reiki for self-healing, family, friends, clients, short and long treatments, chair treatment, and a couch/bed treatment. How to give a home visit treatment.
  • Each student will experience giving and receiving Reiki and doing self Reiki throughout the course.
  • Reiki for animals, food, plants
  • Distant Reiki Second Level for plants, animals, distant or absent clients and for world healing
  • Room cleansing & blessing
  • Explanation and practice of distant Reiki Healing and distant treatments
  • Teaching the reiki symbols and practice of them in second and third level
  • Teaching and practice of reiki hand position for self-healing, chair treatment, and lying on a plinth while using the symbols.
  • Each student to practice giving and receiving Reiki incorporating the use of the reiki symbols.
  • Practice and teaching of distant & absent Reiki healing using the symbols.
  • Practice and teaching of using the Reiki symbols in the student’s everyday life.
  • Considerations when giving Reiki & the possible effects during & following a Reiki treatment
  • Teaching the importance of personal energy management, protection, self-care and well-being while giving and receiving Reiki and in your everyday life.
  • Course Handouts
  • How to bring Reiki home and the ways you can work with it in your daily life
  • Upon successful completion you will be eligible to become a member of the many professional Reiki associations world wide and in Ireland
  • In third level – Attunement to the Master Symbols
  • Teaching of the Master Symbols and uses.
  • In third level you learn Advanced energy healing work to include clearing energy, scanning the energy field, seeing the energy field-(unique to Green Tara College, advanced work)
  • Advanced set of hand positions working the meridians and touch point centers leading to a more involved and deeper way of working for the practitioner. (Unique to Reiki Ireland).
  • Opportunities to share workshop experience.
  • Code and ethics of a third level Practitioner
  • Further understanding of the Holistic Approach
  • Further study of the bodies energetic systems
  • Further review of the philosophies of Reiki
  • Develop your intuitive skills
  • Client care and handling
  • Business & Legal requirements and gaining Insurance for the Reiki Practitioner
  • Illness – related organs & relevant treatments
  • Advanced meditation techniques (unique to Reiki Ireland) & Advanced breath techniques and posture (unique to Reiki Ireland)
  • Reiki & other complementary Therapies
  • Working with the Kundalini and advanced techniques (unique to Reiki Ireland)
  • Dowsing & kinesiology testing
  • Case Studies and the keeping of client records and treatments.
  • An introduction of Psychology and understanding of the psychological make up of the human being

Psychic Energy Management Awareness & Therapist Self-Care:

You will become aware of energy and how it works in our everyday life, the philosophy’s and practices of working as an energetic practitioner. What is energy and understanding energy

  • Correct breathing, breath and energy
  • Why we need protection
  • Techniques for protection
  • Techniques to increase the therapist’s energy and energy ability
  • The mind and energy
  • Room clearance
  • Room blessing
  • House clearance
  • House blessing
  • Helping the clients to heal through energy
  • Increasing the effect of the treatment incorporating subtle energy techniques
  • Working with guides and angels for protection
  • Attracting all that is good and beautiful
  • Techniques for dealing with negative and psychic attack
  • Manifesting with energy
  • Creating a safe energetic space to work in
  • Dealing with ‘heavy energy’ clients
  • Grounding
  • Grounding in your everyday life
  • Grounding during your treatment
  • Protecting the client
  • Grounding the client
  • Bringing healing to the client

Anatomy & Physiology

The ITEC Diploma in Reiki includes the ITEC Diploma in Anatomy & Physiology:

  • In-depth training, teaching and understanding of the systems & Pathologies of the body.
  • Relating Reiki to your knowledge of Anatomy & Physiology
  • Understanding the disorders of all the systems and their links emotionally and mentally especially with regard to Reiki

See ITEC Anatomy & Physiology Diploma

Client Care & Professional Conduct:

The ITEC Diploma in Reiki includes the ITEC Diploma in Client Care & Professional Conduct:

  • How to work with clients, creating a safe healing space, meeting the client’s needs, communication skills, personal well being while working with clients, palliative care, clients with special needs, referral procedures etc.
  • Business Practice: Exploring the different types of business, operating as a sole trader or an employer, health & safety, hygiene, insurance, marketing, special requirements, networking, communication, marketing literature, developing your relationship with other therapists, professional associations.
  • Being in business: Insurance and legal considerations, record keeping, marketing, therapist boundaries and capabilities – not counselling.
  • Legality: Insurance regulations, professional recognition, continuous professional development, hygiene procedures, running a professional clinic, employing others, health and safety, government requirements, government regulations.
    See ITEC Diploma in Client Care & Professional Conduct

Academic Awards

  • ITEC Diploma in Holistic Reiki (Reiki first, second and third level practitioner )
  • Reiki Ireland Certificates in Traditional Reiki -Reiki first, second and third level practitioner
  • ITEC Diploma in Anatomy & Physiology.
  • ITEC Certificate in Client Care, Professional Conduct & Business Awareness.
  • Certificate in Energy Management & Awareness, Green Tara College

Other benefits:

  • Certified to gain insurance
  • Certified to join professional associations
  • Hold qualifications which allow you to proceed to Reiki Master Teacher Training
  • Hold an internationally recognized Reiki qualification that is recognized the world over


The equipment that you will need is minimal and includes:

  • Large ring binder folder to hold A4 Sheets
  • Clip Board
  • Hair ties and hair band (for all practical classes only)
  • No jewellery except wedding band (practical only)
  • Professional Therapist Uniform- any colour, beauticians therapist tunic, black or navy trousers with crease (Pennies, New Look, Dunne’s Stores), sensible low heeled fully covered to ankle black shoes, black socks, (practical only). Black cardigans, T-shirts etc.
  • Short nails for all practical classes
  • Hypo allergic – skin wipes, antibacterial hand gel, equipment wipes
  • A pendulum
  • Email address
  • Course manual provided

The college will provide any additional material needed.

Qualification Requirements For Students to be awarded Certificates

Certificates will be awarded together and cannot be awarded until all modules are completed.

  • A 100% commitment is required
  • Completion and submission of 20 Hours of Case Studies
  • 30 minute multiple choice ITEC examination paper in Holistic Reiki
  • One hour multiple choice ITEC examination paper in Anatomy & Physiology
  • One hour multiple choice examination paper – ITEC Professional Conduct & Business Awareness
  • 1/2 hour practical Reiki treatment including a short oral examination
  • Completion of Energy Management & Awareness module
  • Continual Assessment of Course Work
  • Various College assignments throughout the year

The compulsory modules for this Diploma (unless exempt) are Reiki, Professional Conduct & Business Awareness, College Assignments and Energy Management. Certificates will not be awarded until all modules are completed.

Your Traditional Reiki Teacher

Majella Fagan

BSc Hon’s Psychology, BA Drama, Traditional Usui Reiki Master, Member of Teaching Council of Ireland

Majella is your Reiki teacher and has been working with Reiki for over twenty years and is an inspiring, renowned and dedicated teacher in the field of Reiki. Majella is an expert in Reiki and works with Reiki as one of her main spiritual disciplines and will bring you to very advanced levels in your work with Reiki.

Majella is one of the first people in the country to bring the Reiki training to a deeper professional level in the quality of the teaching, the hours of training, in the spiritual perspective, in the case study practice and has been teaching the reiki Practitioner standards for many years that are only now being brought in by current associations and federations. Majella has been training students and working with clients on a full time basis in Reiki for over twenty years and is extremely experienced and genuinely dedicated to the practice and teaching of Traditional Reiki.

Majella’s Qualifications relevant to Reiki

 Traditional Tibetan Reiki Master Teacher Practitioner, Seichem Master Teacher Practitioner, Sekhem Practitioner, Tai-Chi/ Chi-Gung, Kinesiology. NUI Maynooth Certificate in Counselling skills and Certificate in Teaching Adult Education, ITEC Diploma in Lecturing, City Guilds Diploma in Lecturing. Majella has studied Psychology at University level to included Psychology Overview, Child Development, Biology & The Brain and Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Psychoanalysis. Majella is a recognized member of the Teaching Council of Ireland. Majella holds and teaches qualifications in many holistic therapies such as Reflexology, Massage, Indian Head Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Crystal Healing, Shamanic Healing, Ear Candling. Majella holds the NUI Certificate in Adult Education and is an experienced teacher who has lectured at O’’Fiaich’s College of Education for five years and currently examines the programme’s there.  She developed and certifies the Certificates in Indian Head Massage and Reiki level one, level two and level three Practitioners, child development, child psychology and developmental psychology – level 6 at OFiach’s. Majella holds a BA and BSc and the Diana Cooper Teaching Angels qualification. Majella is a qualified approved QQI  external authenticator .

ITEC Reiki Diploma Dates finishing April 2025
Dates are provided per subject module- Reiki levels must be taken in succession i.e.: Reiki 1, then Reiki 2, then Reiki 3 practitioner.  All Advanced Reiki classes and Energy Management classes mandatory.

First Level Reiki – in the school

September 2024:   Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 (9:00am – 6:30pm)
January 2025:       
Saturday 18 & Sunday 19 (9:00am – 6:30pm)
Second Level Reiki – in the school
October 2024: Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 (9am-6.30pm)
February 2025:
Saturday 15 & Sunday 16 (9am-6.30pm)
Third Level Reiki Practitioner–must hold level 2 taught by Majella
September 2024: full days-Friday  20, Saturday 21  & Sunday 22
(9.30am-6pm each day in-house)
November 2024:
full days-Friday 15, Saturday 16 & Sunday 17
(9.30am-6pm each day in-house)
March 2025:  Friday 21 (theory via zoom 6.00pm to10pm) & Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 (9.00am-6pm each day in-house)
ITEC advanced Reiki classes all classes mandatory-(10.00am-6:00pm)
Sunday 08 (zoom)- if your about it’s a great class to get ahead with even if you haven’t started yet , you can get ahead with assignments etc.
January:     Saturday 25-zoom
February : Sunday 23–zoom
March :      
Saturday 15- in house
April :        
Friday 04- in-house (if needed)
Energy Management & Psychology – via zoom-compulsory
Remember you must attend this module in order to sit the exams.
September 2024: Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 (10am to 6pm)-zoom
January 2025: Saturday 11 & Sunday 12 (10am to 6pm) -zoom
Professionalism & Legality for the Holistic Therapist – via zoom
October 2024: Friday 11 (6pm-10pm) and Saturday 12 (10am-6pm) -zoom
February 2025: Friday 07 (6pm-10pm) and Saturday 08 (10am-6pm) -zoom

Anatomy ModuleZoom (this course can also be taken as self-study)
 Self study through our online systems with live class recordings and assessments
October: Wednesday  09 (Introduction)  
November:   Wednesdays: 06 (Cells & Tissues)/ November 13 (Skeletal) /  November 20 (Muscular)
December : 11 Wednesday Cardiovascular (7-10pm)  
December:  15 Sunday (9am-6pm):  (Digestive/Lymphatic/Respiratory/ Skin) all day zoom.
January: 08  Wednesdays (Nervous)  &  January 15 (Endocrine )
February:  05 Wednesday (Reproductive/Urinary )
March 06 Thursday:  (exam preparation class 7-10pm)

April 2025: Saturday 12 & Sunday 13

Course Fee:
including all modules ITEC Anatomy & Physiology, Holistic Business in practice, Reiki 1,2,3 Practitioner & GTC energy management is €1995.00  including  exam fee.

How do I book a place?

In order to book a place please REGISTER by clicking the REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE button.

You can check your booking, then click PROCEED TO CHECKOUT. 

Methods of payment

  • Card  –  via the website.
  • Paypal – if you have a Paypal account.  Paypal will also let you make a card payment without a Paypal account.
  • Google Pay – if you are currently logged into your Google or Gmail account, this option will be offered to you.
  • Apple Pay – if you have an Apple account, this option will be offered to you.
    A place on the course cannot be guaranteed without payment.
  • If you are booking a course less than 21 days before the course starts you must pay the deposit and balance fee together at the checkout


You can pay in dollars, Euros or pounds.  The website will automatically convert prices into your local currency.  You can also change currency with the button on the bottom left of the webpage.

Create an Account

You have the option to create an account with us.  This will save you from putting in all your details the next time you book a course.

Remember your card details

If you create an account, you can get the system to remember your card details for next time.  We do not hold your card details.  They are held by the card processing company (Stripe).  The system cannot hold your card details unless you create an account.

Don’t want to pay online?

If you are uncomfortable paying online, you can phone the office (046 90 60 600) and they will make the booking for you and take your card details over the phone.

Payment options:

Full course fee €1,995 – save €100 if paying upfront in full

Original price was: €1,995.00.Current price is: €1,895.00.Register

Full course fee paid by installments (€450 non refundable deposit plus €310 per month for the next 5 months)

390.00 / month for 5 months and a 50.00 sign-up feePay by instalments

Would you like to have a chat with us?

Further questions: Please contact Majella for details at the College, 046 90 60 600 or email: