photo by Aloha Mahalo via Pixabay

Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Massage

Welcome to this authentic teaching and practice brought to you with deepest respect for the tradition of Lomi-Lomi Hawaiian Massage.

This course is run over 2 weekends: December 14th & 15th covers levels 1 & 2, February 8th and 9th covers level 3.

Course Fee: €345 per weekend

Dates: December 2024, Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th – 9.30am to 6pm –  level 1/2

Dates: February 2025, Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th – 9.30am to 6pm – level 3


The tradition of Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage is an indigenous ancient healing art and works in deep connection, respect and harmony with nature and the planet.

The indigenous healers of the of the  Hawaiian Islands used this unique form of massage as the method for their healing. Traditionally families used Lomi Lomi to maintain health and well-being. It is a complete healing for mind, body and soul. In essence Lomi Lomi is a spiritual soul healing art. It has a deeply profound effect on all who receive it and those of us who bring it to the client.

Our learning and training comes with the deepest respect and holds its foundations in Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom and healing.

It is vitally important for you to understand and be aware that when you learn to perform Lomi Lomi Massage, that you are not only learning the physical body techniques  but that these techniques are part of a complete and whole process of ancient healing practices. We will teach you to connect with the history, the lineage and ancient teachers, nature and Hawaii.  You will be encouraged and facilitated to work with your intuition.

Remembers the origins and base of  this ancient art  are steeped in the tradition of Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom.

Majella is trained in Lomi Lomi Massage by traditional  Hawaiian Lomi massage teacher Jeana Iwalani Naluai of  Ho’omana. (Jena holds the 6 lineages of Hawaiian elders)   Both teachers have had the tradition handed down from the indigenous teachers and our lineage can be traced back through generations. This is very important in keeping the authentic tradition of Lomi Lomi pure and authentic.

Majella teaches the ‘Temple Style’ of Lomi Lomi.  Majella is steeped in traditional shamanism and her ability to connect with nature and encompass that with the nature of the body is unique and  profound.  Majella brings this deep spiritual tradition to assisting you to connect with the tradition of Lomi Lomi which can only enhance the treatment you will offer. We give you the teachings then you are free to work with  them in the way that feels right for you.  Lomi Lomi is a therapeutic tradition that will continue to grow with you the practitioner. If you have other therapy qualifications, learning Lomi Lomi will greatly enhance all of your other therapy practices.

Lomi Lomi is a deeply spiritual healing massage process.  If you have had experience in working with nature and feel deeply connected to nature and the elements then this is the massage course for you. This is the healing therapy for you.    If you are a practising shamanic practitioner and are searching for a body therapy to train in, you will feel right at home with Lomi.

If you wish to learn to connect more with nature and to allow your current massage practice to grow and become more intuitive then this is the course for you.

Our Lomi Lomi training is open to everybody, you do not need any previous qualification in order to study this practice.

Want to practise professionally?

image by Candace Thoth via PixabayWe offer a full practitioners training which includes the 3 levels of Lomi Lomi. The modules that are necessary to practise professionally are Foundations in Lomi Lomi (level 1& 2) and  Lomi Lomi practitioner (level 3).
If you wish to gain insurance and practise professionally a recognized Diploma in Anatomy & Physiology and professional business modules is required. The full training can be taken in modules and blocks with Green Tara.

If you hold Anatomy already or any previous body complementary training then you just need the Lomi Lomi massage training.

This type of massage connects the full body in a method that is completely different to Swedish massage.  The strokes are long and flowing and very pleasurable to give and receive. We use the forearms, elbows,  hands and our bodies. We combine the application with particular breath work and  spiritual  intention which facilities a deeply healing and powerful relaxing experience.

Level 1 & 2 Lomi Lomi – 14th and 15th December 2024

This two day course will cover and include the following:

  • An extensive manual
  • A Certificate: Foundation in Lomi Lomi
  • The history of Lomi Lomi
  • The ‘long’ body strokes for the back and front of the body
  • You will be able to perform a full body Lomi Lomi massage including all limbs and face
  • Contraindications & cautions
  • Massage mediums that are suitable for the training
  • Working with sarongs and bed sheets for traditional Lomi
  • An introduction to the energetic principles for giving Lomi massage
  • You will give and receive the treatment
  • Learning to work with your intuition
  • Energy management for the therapist when performing this treatment
  • Access to video of the techniques used
  • Equipment needed to perform the treatment
  • Suitable music and background for the treatment
  • Meditation and techniques to connect with the ancestors and lineage of Lomi-Lomi
  • Possible reactions & Aftercare advice
  • Advised reading list

    This class is suitable for complete beginners and all therapists and beauticians

    Reflexologist’s can also train and gain insurance to practise

Level 3 Practitioner Lomi Lomi – 8th & 9th February 2025

Day 3 and 4 will cover further advanced techniques and include the following

  • An extensive manual
  • Practitioners Certificate in Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Massage
  • Review of  techniques learned in the Foundations training
  • Advanced unique techniques such as the delightful under-body strokes
  • Working more and connecting deeper with Hawaiian philosophy
  • Working with side lying massage which is suitable for pregnancy
  • Chakra massage and Lomi
  • The two hand, four hand and six hands Lomi Lomi experience
  • Further learning to work with your intuition
  • Energy management for the therapist when performing this treatment
  • We will deepen you’re connection to working with the ‘spirit’ of the tradition
  • Advanced joint rotation
  • Advanced meditation and breath work with Lomi
  • Connecting nature to your strokes and treatment
  • We will help you learn to become more intuitive to feel the body’s pain and to assist in healing it.
  • Refining and navigating your strokes to the level of  tuning into the bones of the body and connecting to the ‘wisdom of the bones’. An ancient technique for releasing all that is held in the ‘bones’ that no longer serves us.
  • Practicing professionally– legality & Logistics
  • Contraindications, cautions and contra-reactions

How do I book a place?

In order to book a place please REGISTER by clicking the REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE button.

You can check your booking, then click PROCEED TO CHECKOUT. If you are a member of any of the holistic professional associations you will be eligible for a €15 discount.  To avail of this you apply the code professional (all lower case) at the checkout on the balance payment only.

Methods of payment

  • Card  –  via the website.
  • Paypal – if you have a Paypal account.  Paypal will also let you make a card payment without a Paypal account.
  • Google Pay – if you are currently logged into your Google or Gmail account, this option will be offered to you.
  • Apple Pay – if you have an Apple account, this option will be offered to you.
    A place on the course cannot be guaranteed without payment.


You can pay in dollars, Euros or pounds.  The website will automatically convert prices into your local currency.  You can also change currency with the button on the bottom left of the webpage.

Create an Account

You have the option to create an account with us.  This will save you from putting in all your details the next time you book a course. A subscription will be required if you take out a montly payment plan.

Remember your card details

If you create an account, you can get the system to remember your card details for next time.  We do not hold your card details.  They are held by the card processing company (Stripe).  The system cannot hold your card details unless you create an account.

Don’t want to pay online?

If you are uncomfortable paying online, you can phone the office +353 (0)46 90 60 600 and they will make the booking for you and take your card details over the phone.