Image by henry romero from pixabay

Reflexology for Cancer & Palliative Care Support

Live ZOOM  interactive & supervised recognized training.  You can gain insurance and CPD. Live video recordings of all techniques available for 1 year after class. 

Dates for 2025
March – Tuesday 18 (theory)     6-10pm,
March – Tuesday 25 (practical) 6-10pm
April   – Tuesday  01  (practical) 6-10pm

Full cost is €245.   If you are a returning student or a member of any of the professional reflexology associations you can use the code professional at the checkout, on the balance fee only, to avail of a €15 discount.

 Reflexology for Cancer Care & Palliative Care Support.

The first class is the extensive theory and the second/third classes are theory & practical.
You will have a person to work on at home if possible for second class.
You will have access to videos of the techniques and the treatment also via Moodle for at least one year.

Course Overview

Reflexology for Cancer and Palliative Care Support is the most medically accepted holistic therapy within mainstream Western medicine especially in Ireland today.  Green Tara College teaches Oncology Reflexology and Oncology Massage to therapists in many of Ireland’s support centres for cancer. 

“I just wanted to say a huge thank you Majella for the Oncology and Palliative Reflexology course. You are a fantastic teacher and I feel I have learned so much from you.” (Orla Reflexologist )

”The course was so insightful and full of factual information, which is very refreshing as I have done a few courses that have just skimmed through the subject briefly. Thank you to the entire team for creating such an informative course. Thank you Majella, I am so in awe with your approach to teaching, especially to this sensitive subject. You are so full of knowledge and teach effortlessly.” 

 This course is supported with live training videos of the full Reflexology routines and Majella’s specifically devised unique reflexology techniques for very sick client’s and people in end of life care.  

There are approximately 28 million people fighting cancer worldwide in Ireland an average of 30,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed each year. The number is expected to rise to over 40,000 per year by 2020. If we deliver a properly informed reflexology treatment then we can only improve the functioning of the body, using precise techniques to work the areas of assistance, then the treatment becomes a powerful therapy in improving and normalizing the vital body process. In Oncology Reflexology we work to improve for our client, general energy levels, to bring deep relaxation, to improve the emotional outlook of the client, to improve pain levels, to heal trauma and shock, to improve exhaustion, to improve all the eliminating processes. We have recognized clinical studies today that support the fact that Reflexology works on all these levels.

Thank you for this beautiful course and the beautiful energy with which it is taught, it is a very in-depth course.  Majella obviously has extensive experience and knowledge in the area of Reflexology and especially Oncology and Palliative Care Reflexology. The course is taught with the focus on Professionalism, Respect and Gentleness for potential clients & the highest standards of techniques unique to Majella’s teachings. Good interaction of sharing of knowledge, wisdom and experience among participants on the course; which added to the richness and learning. (Breege. M. social worker-March-)

Learning Reflexology specific to Cancer care is an essential training qualification. There is no doubt that you will be called upon to treat many people suffering with cancer from a new diagnosis to survivors of many years. You will learn to treat each person as an individual, with their own individual symptoms depending on their stage of cancer and cancer care. You will learn to take into account their emotional and mental well-being and how that varies from day to day in your treatment.

The class  was so special.  As someone who has family members with cancer this course really taught me how to hold space and to offer some peaceful acceptance around illness and the grief that illness can bring: loss of a job, identity etc.  It was a beautiful experience and as always the standard of teaching and the quality of the routine and attention to detail was uniquely Green Tara – no stone left unturned.
Lorna  – Leitrim (Reflexologist & Social worker)

The aim of this course is to offer you unique  training and Reflexology techniques to the highest level. By the end of this course you will have a confident, detailed and broad knowledge of Oncology Reflexology and how to carry out a complete treatment. You will have confidence and understanding and greater expertise. You will have detailed knowledge on the process of  cancer stages and how to apply reflexology treatments for people who are very sick and who need sensitive soothing treatments.

Course Structure

This course is taught via zoom in three blocks, dates and times above.  It is supported with ongoing videos of instructional techniques by Majella  and notes on our Moodle system for a minimum of one year. It is a recognized CPD reflexology course by IRIL, NNRI and many international associations.

I attended the Oncology Reflexology course with Green Tara  and it was inspirational.  It was magical and it taught me so much in relation to dealing with a cancer patient and how to cope with a patient in palliative care.  I know we will all face these situations over the years and feel I have received the knowledge and technical ability to assist my patient/client.  Thank you Majella for a wonderful day. Antoinette -Monaghan (Reflexologist & Accountant) ****

You gain 2 Awards:
A Green Tara College Post Graduate Certificate in Cancer Care Reflexology and Palliative Care Reflexology which enables you to provide reflexology for cancer clients at all levels and in cancer care centres

Recognized by the Irish Reflexology Institute, NNRI, AOR. Insurance Companies, Health Insurance Companies

You will receive a detailed manual and 2 professional post graduate Certificates, 50 CPD IRIL points which include 20 practical reflexology CPD points. You may gain CPD points for the NRRI and other professional associations.

Your clients will be able to claim back from Health Care Companies if you are a member of a professional reflexology association such as the IRIL.
As with every course I’ve taken at Green Tara College the course today on cancer care and palliative care was just so wonderful and all encompassing.  Majella is an intuitive person who has a great way of drawing you in to learn and to practice the techniques to impart a healing therapy but also imbues it with spiritual healing too.  The groups are always great at Green Tara and sharing is always easy with like-minded people.  I always go away more confident.  Josephine (Westmeath- Reflexologist & Grandmother supreme!)
Course Contents:

  • Understanding what is cancer from an anatomical, mental, emotional and spiritual point of view
  • What are the common symptoms and how to treat with Reflexology
  • How people are diagnosed and key points to understand following diagnosis
  • Understanding the stages of cancer and the tests and procedures used in the staging process
  • Understanding the various Oncology treatments and their after affects and how to treat during various treatments
  • Understanding the various medical treatments such as: Hormonal therapy, Radiation, Hyperthermia Therapy Chemotherapy, Radio-surgery
  • The theory and application of reflexology for palliative care
  • Meeting and treating the client emotionally and mentally, learning to work with where they are at.
  • Hygiene for Oncology and education into Cytotoxic possibilities and safety measures
  • Dealing with the client’s emotional and mental distress
  • Illness, disease and the link to thoughts and emotions
  • Research and valid studies with results into the excellent effects of Oncology reflexology
  • Visual observations of the feet during stages of Cancer
  • Relevant Home Care Advise following the treatments
  • Contraindications, cautions and common ailments
  • Practically how to treat cancer client’s with Reflexology at all stages and as individuals
  • Practically: Learn a complete new second method of working with your reflexology techniques adapted for client’s if they are very, very sick
  • Reflexology procedural routine for practically treating specific to the different stages of cancer and pertaining to the health of each client individually depending on their stage of cancer and cancer care.
  • Energetic reflex connections within and relevant to cancer care
  • Sealing in energy/Grounding energy
  • Client Care and professionalism
  • Dealing with any possible emotional and mental distress for you the therapist, therapist care
  • Energetic connections of the organs and emotions relevant to Cancer
  • Possible client reactions/ Relevant Home Care Advise following the treatments//Therapist Insurance

If you would like to have a chat about the course please contact Majella Fagan on
046 90 60 600. 


Majella faganMajella Fagan, BSc, BA

Majella has spent 25 years as a professional reflexologist and has been serving on the Irish National Professional Reflexology Institute (IRIL) as a committee member and educational officer for many, many years. Majella originally started teaching with the IRIL schools and trained through IRIL. Majella is honoured to be the current Chairperson of the Institute.

Majella has been refining and writing reflexology training for all these joyful years and has trained with many world respected teachers among them being: Beryl Crane, Hanne Marquerdt, Moshe Kruchik Biderman and Inge Dougans.

Majella lectures in Spiritual Holistic Health and the Psychology of Holism alongside Celtic Spirituality. One of her specialties (much in demand) is energetic emotional reflexology.

Majella hosts groups here in Ireland for spiritual holistic work from all over the world. People travel from all over Ireland and UK/Europe due to her unique and grounded teaching, which is first embedded on the physical aspects and then it built upon with the energetic principles of reflexology. Majella is known for the high standard and unique aspects of her training that comes from a wide knowledge that only occurs due to on-going experience and never-ending professional development training.

Majella and our tutors are trained in many holistic therapies and all are ITEC & IRIL approved tutors.

Reviews for  Oncology & Palliative Care Reflexology

The oncology and palliative care reflexology was such an amazing learning experience.  I gained so much confidence from the  the class, knowing that you are helping a very sick person and giving a truly therapeutic treatment.  I would highly recommend the course. Thanks to Majella for sharing her wonderful experience with us.  Deborah 
I attended the course for cancer care and palliative care reflexology.  I really enjoyed studying this course.  When I  met Majella, with her lovely warm smile and energy, I knew I was going to enjoy her class.  The course itself is deep and emotional but having like-minded people and a great teacher I learned facts and the benefits of reflexology for cancer and in  palliative care.  The techniques will take practise and I look forward to gaining more confidence.  I look forward to attending more classes with Majella Thanks again,
Aoife- ( Galway)


Majella, thank you so much for the course.  It’s your own energy that you bring, created from your life experience that is truly authentic and inspiring.  Thanks Amy (Psychotherapist & Reflexologist)

Other Post-Graduate Reflexology Courses

Course Fee:

Normal fee: €245.00  – €15.00 discount to IRI, NRRI, FHT, AOR members and GTC  return students

If you are eligible for the €15.00 discount you can APPLY the code professional at the checkout upon payment of the BALANCE  fee ONLY

How do I book a place?

In order to book a place please REGISTER by clicking the REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE button.

You can check your booking, then click PROCEED TO CHECKOUT. If you are a member of any of the holistic professional associations you will be eligible for a €15 discount.  To avail of this you apply the code professional (all lower case) at the checkout on the balance payment only.

Methods of payment

  • Card  –  via the website.
  • Paypal – if you have a Paypal account.  Paypal will also let you make a card payment without a Paypal account.
  • Google Pay – if you are currently logged into your Google or Gmail account, this option will be offered to you.
  • Apple Pay – if you have an Apple account, this option will be offered to you.
    A place on the course cannot be guaranteed without payment.


You can pay in dollars, Euros or pounds.  The website will automatically convert prices into your local currency.  You can also change currency with the button on the bottom left of the webpage.

Create an Account

You have the option to create an account with us.  This will save you from putting in all your details the next time you book a course. A subscription will be required if you take out a montly payment plan.

Remember your card details

If you create an account, you can get the system to remember your card details for next time.  We do not hold your card details.  They are held by the card processing company (Stripe).  The system cannot hold your card details unless you create an account.

Don’t want to pay online?

If you are uncomfortable paying online, you can phone the office +353 (0)46 90 60 600 and they will make the booking for you and take your card details over the phone.

More Reviews
“An excellent course to study. I’d highly recommend it. Majella is an excellent teacher and such a spiritual person. I’ve done a lot of the post graduate courses with Green Tara but I feel this was the most amazing course. This course has definitely brought me to a higher level and understanding of Reflexology.  I really enjoyed it and Majella is an amazing teacher.” Richella M. Reflexologist

“Excellent overall – information is easy to understand and given in great detail. Videos are excellent and available for reference if needed after the course. Majella is an excellent teacher/mentor and her experience is second to none. Would highly recommend.” Carol Furlong, Reflexologist and holistic therapist

“Majella you are a brilliant teacher, I want to thank you, You teach in great detail, I will be doing a lot more courses with you.  I really enjoyed it, your really good and you don’t miss anything.” Deborah

“This course is absolutely fabulous and a real must for professional reflexologists’. It is a very holistic and beautiful treatment to bring to people who are at a very vulnerable time of the life. The course was delivered so well by Majella very informative and knowledgeable.” Christine G. Reflexologist

‘Thank you Majella for the beautiful course and for teaching it so well, really enjoyed it, a wonderful experience”  Anne

A very informative and interesting course, Majella is unreal and makes it all beautiful, to know we can help someone through their sickness. A wonderful course and well worth doing. I am delighted I did it immediately following my diploma reflexology course. Majella you an inspiration. Patricia T

I really enjoyed the course, learned new skills and how to perform the treatment successfully. Majella was a great tutor and I am looking at more courses to do in Green Tara already. Amanda G

The oncology & palliative course given by Majella was very enjoyable. Majella has a great knowledge of the field and provided all information dignifiedly. The techniques learned were gentle and mindful of the client, the spiritual aspect is a beautiful addition to any treatment. I know my clients will benefit tremendously from this practice. The course covers all aspects of this subject,  even if you knew nothing about this area, it would be very informative and covers everything. Geraldine F

I found the course overall very informative and interesting. The pace was to suit everyone and no problem if you needed things explained more deeply. This course was amazing and will add a beautiful spiritual side to my treatments.

Excellent course, I would highly recommend it. It give you a unique understanding of Oncology and Palliative Care Reflexology and the benefits of this approach for clients. A beautiful treatment at a difficult stage for people, very empathetic treatment. So much extra information, videos and research included in the course. Excellent course, I would highly recommend it. Majella has a special way to share her knowledge and experiences.

Majella is an earth angel, her understanding, knowledge and empathy in her teaching is amazing.  I have learnt more about myself, my practice,  reflexology and  energy work, which will benefit the clients I see, so much. Thank you majella for this amazing training. Catriona Kelly Reflexologist.

“There is a wealth of information in this course. It is very clearly laid out and the videos are a great learning tool. I found this course a great addition to my overall knowledge of reflexology and healing. Majella teaches some unique techniques that I look forward to integrating into my practice. There is a wealth of supporting information available in this course and I would highly recommend it.” Angela F.

“I have just completed the oncology and palliative reflexology course with Green Tara and found it very good. Majella gives a clear description and her method is very efficient. The material is very detailed yet easy to follow. Great videos and literature to support you after you have completed the course. “ Zoe R from Healing with Zoe

“Great information and two beautiful treatments to offer. Being able to take out what works for you and apply is great. “

“Excellent course, A lot of valuable information, so convenient and effective having it on Zoom. Very good attention to detail, highly recommended. “ Kathleen G.

“This was my first course with Majella and in comparison to other Reflexology courses, I am coming away confident in what I am doing. I really feel I can embrace the field of Oncology Reflexology with confidence. Majella breaks all the aspects up and puts them together so very well. I have come away from courses before thinking -I don’t really know what to do. This was excellent and so far beyond any other Reflexology training, “ thank you

“Thank you, Majella, for a great course. It was very enjoyable and informative; the overall presentation was great and we had lots of opportunities to ask questions. Majella was an excellent tutor and kept me engaged throughout the course and she presented a well-organized and structured course. I learned different techniques which I will adopt throughout my reflexology practice. I hope to join Majella for additional courses in the future. Many thanks , Joanne”