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Shamanic Training with Green Tara College

Welcome to Green Tara’s Wisdom Teachings

We have many ways for you experience and/or learn more about shamanism.

Training in shamanism from complete beginner to professional shaman online.

Following the teachings of the Q’ero P’aqos (shaman) of the Ausangate and Wasau regions of Peru, we offer a formal, serious, training path to become a professional shaman.  If you complete the training you will have the opportunity to recieve the Mosoq Karpay, the initiation which formally makes you a P’aqo in these regions.

Dr Owen recieves a blessing from P’aqo Don Mariano

This path incorporates the training we have recieved from indigenous P’aqo’s from the mountains of Peru – Don Sebastian Succle Apaza, Don Ricardo Apaza Flores, Don Fransisco Apaza Flores, Doña Zenobia Cruz Condori and several others.  We also incorporate techniques learned from modern interpreters of the Q’ero path – Don Juan Nunez del Prado, Elizabeth Jenkins, Alberto Villoldo’s Four Winds Society.

Our shamanic training courses are for those who wish to experience and use Shamanism to enhance your life, to gain more direction, to help you find guidance and especially to connect deeper with yourself. You will learn to connect with the land and sacred sites around you.

You will learn to develop your intuition, learn protection techniques and gain personal healing to enable you to live a happier and more informed life . You will learn to work with shamanic tools such as rattles, medicine bundles and tools.

You will learn to protect and seal your energies and to ‘walk with beauty upon Mother Earth’. The shamanic experience will bring joy and freedom to your life as you walk the path of the heart.

Become a P’aqo in the traditional Q’ero tradition of Peru

Don Sebastian with one of our teachers, Majella Fagan.

Many of our students have gone on to become powerful shaman and teachers in their own right, providing healings, marriage ceremonies, and spiritual leadership to their communities.  Many others have simply used their shamanic training to heal themselves, enhance their lives and activate their highest destiny.  We offer our experience with the firm belief that the message is more important than us.

Beginner Shamanic Training

These courses assume no prior knowledge.

This course will give you many shamanic techniques you can integrate into your lifestyle, such as altar design and working with nature.  You will also learn how to journey into the spirit realms and will form life-long relationships with several spirit allies.

This course is an essential prerequisite for our Professional training.

Professional Shamanic Training

You will undergo a series of initiations to build psychic abilities, protection and relationships with many powerful spirit allies.  You will learn many shamanic healing techniques, such as despacho, soul retrieval and working with the dying.

The training leads to a traditional initiation by Q’ero P’aqos as a P’aqo in the Q’ero tradition of Peru.

Community Activities

Traditional q'ero DespachoYou are welcome with your family (suitable for all age groups) to our free community Celtic ceremonies throughout the year or join our Summer Solstice sacred sites of Ireland day and our monthly drumming circle. There is also the Full Moon Fire held every month on Tara Hill. See below for details and if you have further questions contact Majella 0868635241 and we’d be happy to guide you along this wonderful pathway.

Ireland offers a very powerful landscape, and we are privileged to be close to many of Ireland’s major sacred sites, including Tara, Lough Crew, Newgrange, Dowth, River Boyne where we hold sacred and reverent ceremony.

Celtic Events

We have various events throughout the year suitable for everybody, including children.

Sacred Celtic Ceremonies

September: Autumn Equinox
October: Saimhain
December: Winter Solstice
January: Imbolc
March: Spring Equinox
May: Beltane
June: Summer Solstice
August: Lughnasa

Please see our calendar and events lists for the next dates.