Training in Complementary Therapy

Complementary Therapy Training Courses at Green Tara College

What is complementary therapy?

Complementary Therapies are treatments which are not typically offered by the Medical Profession.  Some doctors will dismiss all forms of treatment not delivered by them, but there is a great deal of scientific research supporting many complementary therapies.  However, some lack any scientific evidence to support them.

Complementary Versus Alternative

Complementary therapies are compatible with conventional medicine.  For example, reflexology is a popular complementary therapy in cancer treatment centres because it has been shown to enhance well-being and healing rates of people undergoing traditional cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy.

Alternative therapies are those used as an alternative to mainstream medical practice.  Alternative therapists are often opposed to the mainstream medical practices they offer alternatives to.  Green Tara College does not promote or support alternative therapies.  We have a great deal of respect for empirical peer-reviewed research which drives mainstream medicine, and promote the extension of such research into complementary therapies.  Our teaching is always that the therapies we teach are compatible with, and supportive of, mainstream medical practice.

Holistic Approach

At Green Tara College we offer a holistic approach to treatment.  This brings conventional and complementary methods together in a coordinated way. The holistic approach emphasizes a holistic, patient-focused approach to health care and wellness.  We recognise that a person’s state of health derives from their mental, emotional, spiritual and social status, that one must treat the whole person rather than just specific symptoms.

Training and certification – become a professional

Our ethos is that we should train you to the highest standards possible.  Some colleges will reduce the workload to make courses easier and get more students.  Often this means teaching the absolute minimum required.  We don’t do that.  For example, our ITEC courses often require more than the bare minimum set by ITEC.  All of our teachers have practiced as therapists in the subjects they teach.  They know what it really takes to thrive in that field.  We have no desire to toss you out into the world barely able to struggle through because your training was minimal.  Our aim is to produce high-quality professionals who can hit the ground running and operate at a high level immediately.

Our courses will often ask more of you than other colleges.  We will support you every step of the way.  And it works – our exam results are consistently the highest in Ireland.  Hard work pays off.

If you are serious about being the best you can be, if you want to be a true professional, talk to us.

Complementary Therapy Courses